(Please click on titles below to view)
Gary A. Anderson Charity as a Mode of Worship
Fr. Glenn Baaten Christ's Call to Unity: Ecumenism & the Anglican Ordinariate
Fr. Al Baca Evangelization in the Diocese of Orange
Fr. James R. Barrand Visit the Sick
Terry Barber Pope John Paul II & the Beatification of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Kathleen Beckman Living Eucharist
Kathleen Beckman Nothing is Impossible for God
Chad Berlinghieri What Made Me Catholic, What Keeps Me Catholic
Vince Bianco Sales through Service to Others
Monica Bik Transforming Faith with Young Professionals
Peter S. Bowen Forming Faith-Filled Leaders
Archbishop + TIMOTHY Broglio The Vital Role of Military Chaplains
Tim Busch, J.D., CPA Re-energizing Catholic Education
Michael Caspino How the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Decision Will Affect Your Business
Pete Callahan Give Drink to the Thirsty
Fr. Joe Coffey Insights from My Recent Deployment in Afghanistan
Patrick Coffin Sex Au Naturel
Derry Connolly: President, John Paul the Great University Impact the Culture for Christ
Dr. Mike Cushing Comfort the Afflicted
Patti DeFillipis Thomas Aquinas College
Mark D'Silva Living in Solidarity with the Poor
Bishop + CIRILIO Flores Reflections on a Vocation Journey: From Attorney to Bishop
Carlos Galindo The Prudence of Family Funeral Preparation
Randy Hain From the Spiritual Wilderness to an Integrated Catholic Life
David House, Ph.D. Ex Corde Ecclesiae +20
Fr. Felix Just The Upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy
Aaron Kheriaty Sanctifying Ordinary Professional Work
Dr. Mary Kotob Medicine, Marriage, and Catholicism
Jon Krawczyk Story of the 9/11 Cross
John LaBriola Compromise: the Devil's Doctrine
Ryan Lilyengren Courage & Dignity at the End of Life
Dick Lyles Achieving Catholic Leadership Genius Amid Today's Challenges
Bishop + DOMINIC Lương Religious Freedom and You
Mike Manhardt The 2016 Mercy Challenge
Tom Markel: Founder and CEO, iBank.com Integrating Our Lives of Faith and Work
George McGraw Water is a Basic Human Right
Barbara McGuigan Intimacy: Human & Divine
Charlie McKinney: President, Sophia Institute Press Renewing the Culture: Our Burden, Our Opportunity
Rich Meyer Reflections on the Canonization of Junípero Serra
Darrell Miller Champions of Faith
Patty Barnett Mouton The Fulfillment of Caring for People
Brad Neary The St. John's Bible: Igniting the Spiritual Imagination
Peggy Normandin Identity Theft - Catholics, Own your Brand!
Barbara Nicolosi Finding God in Hollywood
Dr. Paul O'Reilly Evangelizing the New Atheism
Jere D. Palazzolo, MHA Healthcare Built Upon the Bedrock of Christian Principles
Sr. Shawn Pauline, OCD 500 Years of St. Teresa of Avila & Mystical Mother of Carmel
Tom Peterson: Founder and President, Catholics Come Home Catholics Come Home
Austin M.D. Quick How to Use Social Media without Losing your Soul
Patrick Reidy Theology of the Body
Lila Rose The Culture of Life is Everyone's Business
Arasely Ríos From Lipstick to Rosaries
David Shaneyfelt Pontius Pilate: Lessons for the CEO
Doug Sherman: President & CEO, Immaculate Heart Radio The Impact of Catholic Radio
Sir Bruno Serato Give Food to the Hungry
Dr. Jonathon Serrato, M.D. & Luke Maxwell Hope After Suicide
Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. The Case for Jesus: Science & the Shroud of Turin
Tom Tait, Mayor of Anaheim, CA Creating a Civic Culture Rooted in Kindness
Pasquale Talarico Evangelizing the Song in Your Heart
Bishop + KEVIN Vann The Canonizations of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II
Ryan & Mary-Rose Verret Witness to Love
Jake Vollebregt Finding a Vocation in Local Government
Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem. St. Paul and the Principles of Right Economic Order
Greg Weiler The Hole in Our Gospel: Catholic Social Teaching for Dummies
Gregory N. Weiler, Esq. The Preeminence of Faith and Defending Life in Today's Culture
Theresa Wyles St. Polycarp School: Where Faith & Education Create Miracles